He's Back!

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    Published: August 19, 2025

    Have you ever seen a Baby T Rex roaming around town? Well this weekend you can! Baby T will be making special appearances around Gwinnett this weekend, Aug. 21 and 22. 

    Friday, Aug. 21 Baby T will stomp over to the new BrandSmart next to the Mall of Georgia for a special 5pm appearance. There will also be dino games and crafts from 4-6pm. Bring the family and check out the new store while stepping back in time.

    Saturday, Aug. 22 is an action-packed day for the Baby T. He will be making 2 special appearances during the day. He will be roaring into the Swannee Branch of the Gwinnett Public Library at 11am for dinosaur stories and a special appearance for the dino-mite guests! Also Saturday, Baby T will attend a prehistoric Dinosaur Birthday Bash atFernbank Museum. From 10am-2pm, fly, crawl or lumber down to help celebrate the world's largest dinosaurs with a day of fun-filled, dinosaur-themed activities. Baby T will make a special appearance at 2:30pm.

    Baby T will not be back before the show! Make sure you come out and grab some discounted tickets for Walking With Dinosaurs rolling into the Gwinnett Arena Sept. 23-27! Hope to see you back in time!
