The Georgia Force will hold a free agent open tryout THIS Saturday October 23rd, 2025 to launch the return of the Georgia Force to the Arena Football League for the upcoming 2025 season.
Head Coach Dean Cokinos along with his staff will conduct the workouts and evaluate the players. “We’re in a talent rich region and hope to find some quality players who can contribute to our organization. We want tough, hard working players and this will be the first chance for potential candidates to showcase their abilities.” said Cokinos.
Tryouts will consist of 40-yard dash, short shuttle, broad jump, individual drills, and 1on 1’s. The cost of the tryout is $80.
**Prospective players may email playerpersonnel(at)georgiaforce.com or contact Brad Graham at 770-609-1331 for any additional Information.
Atlanta Silverbacks Sports Center
4285 Brogdon Exchange
Suwanee, GA 30024
Additional Info:
PLEASE do not call the Atlanta Silverbacks facility for information.
Restrooms and a place to change will be provided.
Cash only will be accepted on day of tryout.
There are no hotel arrangements being provided.
Registration will begin at 10:00 a.m. Sharp.
There is no full contact and therefore no need for shoulder pads.
Appropriate dress consists of workout clothes and shoes suited for Astro turf and Field turf.
No refunds accepted for any reason.
Tryout will be conducted rain or shine.
Please send any game film and player bios to: playerpersonnel(at)georgiaforce.com
Or by mail to
ATTN: Player Personnel
3120 Medlock Bridge Rd
Building E Suite 260
Norcross, GA 30071