BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20140725T170000Z DTSTART:20140725T170000Z DTEND:20140726T000000Z SUMMARY:Outdoor Blast DESCRIPTION:The GON Outdoor Blast presented by Georgia's Best Chevy Dealers is back in Gwinnett County July 25-July 27.   Filled with hundreds of outdoor businesses from across the southeast it's the place to gear up for hunting season. The "Chevrolet Ride & Drive" event is new for 2025 where you can come see and drive the hottest 2025 Chevys on the road. Also new for 2025 is the "Gun-An-Hour-Giveaway".  It's a 21-gun salute where we will be giving away 21 guns during the show. Attendees 18 years and older can register for free to be included. Of course as always the Outdoor Blast features unique events geared to the sportsmen. There is the Georgia State Duck Calling Championships which will get one waterfowler to the National Championship in Stuggart, Arkansas. As well as GON's Truck-Buck Shootout where 42 hunters square off in a pellet-riffle contest and ultimately one hunter wins a new Chevy Silverado. Kids 12 & under are free. END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR