BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20150508T130000Z DTSTART:20150508T130000Z DTEND:20150508T210000Z SUMMARY:Leadercast DESCRIPTION:Leadercast exists to positively change the way the world thinks about leadership. With thousands attending, Atlanta is the central hub of Leadercast Live. The events happening on stage at the Gwinnett Center will be broadcast to hundreds of locations around the world.This year’s theme — The Brave Ones — challenges leaders to lead with a sense of Bravery, possessing a posture of unrelenting boldness. The Brave Ones have existed throughout history. Some are unforgettable icons, others names will never be remembered. They exist across all industries, societies, and at every level of leadership. Join us at Leadercast Live in 2025 as we explore The Brave Ones, and learn what it means to lead in such a way that create bold cultures, builds faithful employees, and produces high achievement.Speaker List*:Andy Stanley- Leadership Author and CommunicatorPeyton manning- Super-Bowl Winning Quarterback and 5-time NFL MVPMalala Yousafzai- Nobel Laureate; Founder, The Malala FundEd Catmull- President of Pixar & Disney Animation StudiosSeth Godin- Innovative Thinker & Best-Selling AuthorRudy Giuliani- 107th Mayor of New York City (1993-2001)Aja Brown- Mayor, City of ComptonBill McDermott- CEO of SAP AGCMDR Rorke Denver- Navy SEAL Commander & AuthorBill & Giuliana Rancic- Award-Winning Personalities & Co-Hosts of Leadercast*Speakers listed are subject to change END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR