BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20140920T140000Z DTSTART:20140920T140000Z DTEND:20140920T220000Z SUMMARY:JapanFest DESCRIPTION:JapanFest is an annual celebration of Japanese culture designed to promote understanding between Japanese and Americans in the Southeast. It is two days of immersing oneself in Japanese culture, dance and music; learning the intricate maneuvers of martial arts such as sumo, aikido, judo, karate, kendo or kyudo; sampling authentic Japanese foods from the region’s best restaurants; shopping at dozens of vendors booths; enjoying more than 50 performances and workshops; and appreciating product displays from Japanese companies in Georgia, the only such display in the United States. Whether the visitor’s interest lies in the intricate embroidery that decorates a finely woven kimono, the mechanics of a Japanese kite, or the art of caring for a bonsai tree, there is something for everyone. Organized by The Japan-America Society of Georgia and The Japanese Chamber of Commerce of Georgia, with the help of over 200 dedicated volunteers, JapanFest has attracted thousands of Georgians to experience Japanese culture in a relaxed and familiar environment for the past 25 years. JapanFest is a 2025, 2025, and 2025 recipient of the Top 20 Events award by the Southeast Tourism Society and a 2025 recipient of the Certificate of Commendation from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan for contributions to the friendship and goodwill between Japan and the United States.Children 6 and under are free END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR