BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20150425T233000Z DTSTART:20150425T233000Z DTEND:20150426T013000Z SUMMARY:A Spring Fling Extravaganza DESCRIPTION:The Ludwig Symphony Orchestra presents “A Spring Fling” concert for the closing of its eighteenth season on Saturday, April 25th, 2025 at 7:30 p.m. at the Gwinnett Center-Performing Arts Center. The evening’s  performance  features internationally acclaimed pianist-Andrew Staupe, local soprano-Maria Clark, cellist-Martin Gueorguiev, tenor-Wesley Morgan, bass-Ben Polite, and Kaleidoscope, sixty voices  from the Michael O’Neal Singers.  John Lemley will host the star-studded gala.Andrew Staupe has been described by critics as “a pianist with a spectacular and highly refined technique, probing musicianship, and a hugh personality”. He will perform Mozart’s hauntingly beautiful Piano Concerto No. 23 in A major in his LSO debut.  Mr. Staupe’s career has had him solo with the Houston Symphony, San Diego Symphony, Indianapolis Symphony, Minnesota Orchestra, and across America. Besides tours in Europe, Andrew Staupe has performed at Carnegie Hall, the Amsterdam Concertebouw, and Rachmaninov Hall in Moscow.Maria Clark is a soprano with a ravishingly beautiful voice. As first prize winner of the Savannah International Vocal Competition, she brings intelligence and wit to her interpretations. Maria will perform Massenet’s-“il es doux, il est bon” from Herodiade and Verdi’s-“Pace, pace, mio dio” from La Forza Del Destino.Maestro Thomas Ludwig, former music director of the New York City Symphony and resident conductor for American Ballet Theatre with Mikhail Baryshnikov at the Metropolitan Opera House, will lead the eighty piece orchestra. The program is rounded out by Rimsky-Korsakoff’s-“Procession of the Nobles”. END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR